
Home>Chambi Chachage

About Chambi Chachage

Assistant Professor and founder of @Udadisi/Profesa Msaidizi na Muasisi wa @Udadisi - Akaunti ya Twita/Twitter Handle: @ChambiChachage

Street Archives and City Life: Popular Intellectuals in Postcolonial Tanzania

"This book is about those intellectuals who addressed their visions to their fellow urban-dwellers, creating urban publics and mentalities that were connected to concrete conditions and practices of urban life" - Introduction


Contested Sustainability: The Political Ecology of Conservation and Development in Tanzania

"...this book draws from a five-year collec- tive research project, New Partnerships for Sustainability (NEPSUS), which assembled a multi-disciplinary team to analyse sustainability partnerships in three key natural resource sectors in Tanzania: wildlife, forestry, and coastal resources" - Introduction

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‘Crisis? What Crisis?’ Chambi Chachage’s Response to René Odanga’s Missive on African Studies

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Legitimation as Political Practice: Crafting Everyday Authority in Tanzania

"I thus challenge understanding of legitimacy as a formalized, contractual exchange between the state and the invisible subject in favour of legitimation as negotiated practice, undertaken by an array of ambiguous institutions, in this case NGOs, as they reproduce and compete for public authority" - Introduction

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