Revolutionary State-Making in Dar es Salaam
"At a time when xenophobia and parochial nationalism are on the rise, Roberts reminds readers of the strategic role of this ‘revolutionary city’ and its Nkrumah Street in forging Pan-Africanism and ‘Third World’" - Reviewer: Chambi Chachage
Rai ya Jenerali
"Jenerali Ulimwengu alisema kitabu chake kina makala ambazo zinajadili mahitaji ya Katiba mpya kwa muktadha wa wakati ule hasa baada ya Tume ya Jaji Francis Nyalali kupendekeza mabadiliko" - Mwananchi
A Journey Through Darkness
"Royalties from the book shall go towards the Trust to help buy visual aids (among others) for visually impaired and partially sighted children as they pursue their education" - Author
Penzi la Damu
"Penzi la Damu inaanza na upendo wa damu na inaisha na penzi la damu. Anna Samwel Manyanza ni malaika" - Mhakiki
Remaining in the Shadows: Parliament and Accountability in East Africa
"The book is a ringing indictment of the presidentialist system of government in existence for nearly six decades" - Blurb
Religion and British International Development Policy
"This study opens a window into the way the UK government has developed policies and shaped their politics in a way which make possible partnerships with faith institutions" - Reviewer
Pragmatic Faith and the Tanzanian Lutheran Church
"This timely book addresses head-on the contentious question regarding the separation of the church and the state" - Reviewer
My Story: From Gongali Village To London & Beyond
"I wish it lands in many hands and inspires billions of people around the world, 100% profit goes to support my Nanofilter innovation (#ThirstForLife Campaign)" - Askwar Hilonga
The Wave: Migraneur Memoir
"I've been battling #migraine for 21yrs. 2yrs ago I embarked the journey to share my story. Finally, I'm happy to hold copies of my book ready for you all. As we enter June, which is #MigraineAwarenessMonth, I hope this book will inspire others to tell their stories too. #TheWave" - Rahma Bajun